Saturday, November 3, 2007

stupid blog!!

i don't know why it won't show my slideshows anymore. what did i DO???? all because i tried to get a little creative. maybe i should only get creative when i have more time to dedicate to it. then i can make it fun without screwing everything else up. if anyone has any tips on how to fix this mess, please let me know!


Andrea said...

I did the same thing a while back and lost everything too...if you get a blog template from somewhere other than Blogspot then I think you lose your stuff. I am still trying to figure it out.
On a different note - can you decipher this:
ovle kmae I woh ot ma pdsusepo ot ?

Lyndsie Field said...

Lynsey!! Hello Hello! So I'm so happy that you left a comment on my blog! So fun to hear from you and see what you and ben & cute caleb are up to! How fun is this whole blogging world?!! It's great to stay in touch with people! So it seems like you're enjoying life out there...I bet Ben is so good at what he does with troubled teens! We're in Bountiful...Chad is selling surgical implants for a spine company. He's really enjoying it & we're happy to be back in utah. We've been here for almost 2 years...time goes way too fast! :) this is great...i'm so happy to have found you again! Tell Ben hi!!

Lindsay Jane said... your blogger settings, under template, it should have saved a copy of your old template there. You will have to add in your links and what not again, but you should be able to pull them from the old template. Good luck.