Friday, October 12, 2007

made my morning

i love this song! i turned it on this morning while getting the clients ready for school. they were all grumpy & crazy...fantasia's got some serious attitude. but anyway after listening to the song it changed my mood. go ben folds!


campblondie said...

I've been away so long it seems! I had to catch up and I am so glad I did. I love all of your stories. You better assign a new journal just to group home stories.

Shellee said...

k- try my video again. i uploaded with blogger this time.

so, i can't hear your video over your website 'song'. am i the only one?

p.s. love your 'work stories'.

C Harker said...

I love Ben Folds, think I'm a fan of musicians that use piano in their songs maybe it's because I wish I could play the piano or maybe it's because it just sounds good or both?! Good choice!