Sunday, February 3, 2008

not too stinky, not too pooey

somehow this "not too stinky, not too pooey" statement has crept into caleb's nightly prayers. it goes a little something like this:

"thank you for my house. it's not too stinky, not too pooey."

"thank you for going to church today. it's not too stinky, not too pooey."

"thank you for my friends at nursery. not too stinky, not too pooey."

you get the idea. ben & i have no idea where this little combo came from because we both swear we didn't teach him this stuff. but we decided that little caleb might be onto something. so now we are using this NTS, NTP theory in all areas of our lives.

how is our marriage? NTS, NTP?

how did i do with the clients today? NTS, NTP?

how am i doing on my new year's resolutions? NTS, NTP?

so my friends. i think you should ask yourselves these questions & start using it as the standard to which you should judge all future decisions. it is the new "WWJD?" and we think it will catch on like wildfire. bracelets, t-shirts, bumper stickers. we are going global. this is going to take the world by STORM & caleb will be a multi-tramillionaire. we knew he would make us a lot of cash someday, we just didn't realize it would be with a little potty talk. this kid is not too shabby. in fact, he's not to stinky, not too pooey.


Amanda said...

You need to start making those t-shirts now before someone else does! Copyright that one! Hilarious!

Andrea said...

Caleb...the question is
How does the bathroom smell after a gallon of Jadore is sprayed?
The answer:
Not too stinky, not too pooey!

campblondie said...

My orders are in, and I just may have to creep that one into our vocab around here. That is so applicable to so many things. I love it.

p.s. I know that I haven't commented on your blog forever but it's not because I stopped checking it's just because I was blog stalking you for awhile. Sometimes I think it's more thrilling.

Anonymous said...

FUNNIEST POST EVER! I was laughing so hard I was crying!

The Thompsons said...

That is awesome!!! Its so deep....that little Caleb is a keeper!!

fonsy said...

Remember TRADEMARK EVERYTHING. Next time you say NTS or NTP make sure it has a little NTS(TM) action if you know what I mean.

Rachel Chick said...

Awesome! Nels, Melyni, Alma and I got a HUGE kick out of this last night!

janine said...

Ahh....this has given meaning to an otherwise meaningless day! Thank you, Caleb for your insights.

The Pyne's said...

Who teaches these kids these things. I swear they catch onto everything. And atleast caleb says prayers. Conner has started to rebel against folding his arms and well basically everything. Good luck with the potty talk. I loved the post. Hillarious!!

Shellee said...

Funny runs in your family. Thanks for the giggle, and a new perspective on things.
Its your own little justan bobby.

Dana Broderick said...

so funny! I love what kids say...I'm going to have to tell this one to my kids..they would laugh their heads off cause they would get it!

Melissa said...

so cute! I love it. not too stinky, not too pooey!