Tuesday, April 29, 2008

jungle love

as ernest was mowing the lawn the other day he came in acting all suspicious & asking for einstein to come outside quickly. immediately ben & i followed to find out what was up. well what was up was a footlong baby copperhead snake. ernest got it to slither in a jar & there it has sat, i am sure just awaiting the moment when it can break free & eat every single one of us in this house.

just today i had to look up "what do baby copperhead snakes eat?" on ask.com. but i had to cut the answer short when i read to feed it a baby, pinky mouse. a WHAT. that was enough for me.

i love how beautiful it is out here, green everywhere. but lurking in that green is slimy, slithery, pinky-mouse eating creatures.

in honor of the jungle out in NC, here are some clips from one of my favorite shows "everybody loves raymond" playing to one of the BEST songs.


Kris said...

yuck! I hate snakes I would have freaked! and C would have laughed at me.
ew. I just got the shivers
so don't ever accidentally mix up and put together the two words shivers and shutters I some times do in my head, it's not good to say out loud.
It's late here and I'm tired but can't sleep so hence the weird comment, just ignore me:)

Anonymous said...

For real - I can't beleive you're sharing living quarters with a snake. You're handling it with a little more zen than I would've expected (recalling your encounter with Mr. Jangles).
LOVE THIS RAYMOND VIDEO! I've watched it like 4 times already because it makes me laugh so hard. Why can't life be that funny for real?

Toby and Tammy said...

I hate hate hate snakes! There's no way I would've feed him a baby mouse.

Love the Raymond video-those shows were so funny to watch.