Saturday, May 3, 2008

slightly imperfect

what do you do when you buy a bag of socks from a discount store & there is a huge red sticker on them that says, "SLIGHTLY IMPERFECT?"

i mean are we talking, there may not be the same shade of gray on the heels that there is on the toes.

or are we talking, there just might possibly be a hidden bomb in the 3rd sock down.

there are a lot of degrees of imperfect, you know. i'm just suspicious because the socks are so darn cheap.


Rachel Chick said...

isn't that the question for each of us and the relationships we make? :) we're all "slightly imperfect" but HOW MUCH can make a pretty big difference, no? just look at those poor kids you live with --- i think we all make relationships based on that perception. :)

Rachel Chick said...

ps - if that comment didn't make a whole lot of sense - please try hard to figure out my point --- i'm too tired to figure it out myself and explain more . . . better. :) have a good weekend! :)

Debbie said...

Can I get one of those red stickers and put it on our front door? It's only fair to warn people.

Toby and Tammy said...

We buy those socks all the time! Usually at Ross or TJ Maxx. Most of the time, they're pretty good. :)

Rachel Holloway said...

You take off the red sticker and give them away as a gift. :) jk