Sunday, March 2, 2008

feelin' that holy spirit

highlights from church today:

-on the way there, fantasia informed us:
"mormons don't feel the holy spirit. how can you be feeling the holy spirit when you be singing like, la la la (softly sings)? now baptists. they be FEELIN' that holy spirit! it scared me a little. they be all cryin' and faintin' and stuff. now THAT's the holy spirit. you mormons don't know what you're doin."
-playing punchbuggy (slug-bug) on the way, ben was schooling us. then fantasia called out, "well, i'd be gettin' those too except ben's big HEAD is in the WAY."
-caleb called the little boy in front of us "poopoo diaper baby." and not quietly either. the little boy dropped his cup and as caleb handed it back to him yelled, "there you go poopoo diaper baby!!"
-one of our favorite missionaries, elder carson, left on tuesday. as soon as sacrament was over fantasia said (again, LOUDLY) "let's go find that new elder. an' he better be FINE TOO! we don't need no UGLY missionary. he better be cute. then we'd be havin two FINE elders up in here."
-when we were asking ernest tonight why he didn't go to church today he said he was too tired. fantasia's response:
"i mean, i was tired too. really tired. but i woke up and thought i'm gonna GET me some jesus today."
-the best for last...the AWESOME lesson in relief society on mercy. i will be blogging about that later. but wow it was awesome. singing loudly or not, i was feelin' that holy spirit today.

on a separate note, i just thought this was a funny picture. so i thought i'd put it on. really not much to do with the posting. and yes that is the pope. the picture was titled "holy roller."


Kris said...

I got me some Jesus today and it was good! I think my sunbeams were feelin the spirit because they were belting out the words to "tell me the stories of Jesus" we were all feelin' it.

Unknown said...

I love how you can quote her and you get all the action in! Totally funny girl (who I can see can be a handful)

Jen said...

That post was so funny. I am glad I got me some Jesus today too. Oh gosh...the stories you have and will have for the rest of your life are priceless...thanks for sharing.

fonsy said...

I have a friend who is baptist and she gives me a hard time saying that "mormons don't emote" and when you are "on fire with the Lord" you are EMOTING. Tyler and I probably wouldn't sleep through sacrament if their were a little more baptist in our church. We actually had a Stake singing thing where baptists and mormons got together and sang songs. It was awesome. Those baptists really know how to do it! I think I am going to go join their church now.

campblondie said...

I don't like me some ugly missionaries either.

Jill said...

That was hilarious!! Caleb sounds so funny. His poopy comments are the best. I can't wait for Jenna to start saying those funny/embarrassing things. Well, actually I CAN wait.

Andrea said...

I mean Fantasia got it right...everybody likes demselves some fine Elders!

Anonymous said...

It is time to potty train that boy, Lyns. He is all about the poo-eees! I shall withhold my comments about someone I know who likes FINE missionaries so that you won't delete this post but...I'm thinkin' it!

Rachel Chick said...

awesome! it's so good that you are blogging some of these funny things that happen! someday you'll have to look back at these to make sure it was real!